Stumbling Stones

It is a small square block of stone (10×10 cm), covered with shiny brass, placed in front of the door of the house in which a person deported to the extermination camps last resided: it remembers their name, year of birth, day and place of deportation, and date of death.

This is intended to keep alive the memory of the victims of all Deportations in the symbolic place of everyday life – the home – while at the same time inviting those who pass by to reflect on what happened in that place and on that date, so as not to forget.

Tens of thousands have already been installed in Europe, 144 of them in Milan. Today, “Stones of Stumbling” – an initiative created by artist Gunter Demnig as a reaction to all forms of denialism and forgetting – is the largest widespread monument in Europe dedicated to the victims of Nazi extermination, whatever the reason for persecution was: religion, race, political ideas, sexual orientation.

Visit the site dedicated to the Stones of Inciampo in Milan.