Please familiarize yourself with the following regulations.
The Shoah Memorial is now open most days of the year. We are working to increase the number of days and hours that the Memorial is open to the public.
Before planning your visit, please check our website for updated information on opening hours or send enquiries if you need any additional information.
– Access to the Memorial and participation in events or performances hosted by the Memorial generally requires a ticket issued by the Fondazione Memoriale della Shoah di Milano (“Foundation”).
– Tickets are personal and non-transferrable.
– The Foundation reserves the right to cancel tickets that have already been issued or to refuse to accept a paid purchase order at any time for technical and/or organizational reasons. In these cases the Foundation will refund the purchase price.
– We cannot guarantee that tickets to events or performances represent the best seats available at the time of purchase, nor that better seats will not become available for purchase at a later time.
– We cannot guarantee a refund if you purchase a ticket and are then unable to visit the Memorial on the specified date, or if the ticket is lost, damaged, destroyed, illegible, stolen, or otherwise rendered unusable.
– The right of withdrawal (diritto di recesso) pursuant to Article 52 of the Consumer Code (Codice del Consumo – D.Lgs. 206/2005) does not apply to tickets purchased online (see Art. 59.1.n of said Code).
– As a general rule, we do not allow tickets to be used for political, commercial, publicity, or other promotional purposes (such as contest prizes). We reserve the right to consider such ticket uses per user request on a case-by- case basis.
– Admission is free to children six years old or younger. However parents and teachers should be forewarned that the subject matter of the Memorial is envisioned for children ten years old and up. All children under twelve years old must be accompanied by an adult.
You may reserve guided tours for individuals or groups on the days indicated on the Tour page of the Memorial website by sending an email to For school trips, please send your reservation request to
Guided tours are conducted by expert guides trained by the Associazione Figli della Shoah.
– Guided tours last approximately 75 minutes.
– Either individual or groups tickets are issued for guided tours.
– Agli insegnanti che vogliono prenotare visite guidate per classi della scuola primaria (esclusivamente per le classi quinte) e secondaria (medie e superiori) chiediamo di
(i) verificare i giorni e le fasce orarie ancora disponibili sul calendario dedicato alle scuole;
(ii) trasmettere la richiesta di prenotazione all’indirizzo
(iii) attenersi alle istruzioni per l’acquisto del biglietto collettivo
(iv) portare con sé ed esibire il biglietto collettivo che sarà rilasciato in occasione della visita
– I gruppi di scolaresche che prenotano la visita guidata possono essere composti da un massimo di 55 membri, oltre ad essere accompagnati da un professore per ogni 15 studenti.
– Il mancato versamento del contributo richiesto in tempo utile per l’organizzazione della visita (14 giorni) non ci consentirà di dare seguito alla prenotazione e di procedere all’emissione del biglietto collettivo (ove già emesso il biglietto collettivo sarà annullato).
– L’orario stabilito per la visita guidata è da ritenersi tassativo.
Make sure everyone arrives on time for the guided tour. Given the characteristics of the Memorial, interference or overlaps between groups may compromise the quality of the visit for all.
We reserve the right to change the date or time of the guided tour for administrative or organizational reasons or due to other unforeseeable circumstances. In such cases, we will contact you to reschedule the guided tour according to your needs and our availability. If it is not possible to reschedule, we will determine the most appropriate means for refunding any money paid for the ticket. We decline liability for any additional expenses relating to the request for refund.
You may modify or cancel a guided tour reservation up to 14 days prior to the date of the tour by sending us an email to If you wish to postpone the date of the tour, please consult the calendar of available tour dates and times: we will make every effort to satisfy your request. We cannot guarantee that we will be able to honour requests for modifications received later than 14 days prior to the date of the tour; in such cases, the ticket price will not be refunded.
You may purchase tickets online and print them at home.
On request, we will print your tickets and have them delivered to your home via express courier, charging shipping costs to you. Please send requests for this option to, (individuals or non-school groups) or e(school groups) and we will provide you with delivery times and rates.
Otherwise, you may specify at the time you purchase the tickets that you will pick them up at the entrance to the Memorial at least 30 minutes prior to the time of your tour.
All disabled persons are entitled to free admission for themselves and one assistant. Insofar as possible, given the characteristics of the Memorial, the public spaces have been rendered accessible to the disabled by means of ramps and dedicated bathrooms. If you are entitled to free admission for disabled persons, please specify this when making your reservation and/or bring a document with you attesting to your status as a disabled person when you come to the Memorial.
We ask you to follow certain basic rules of conduct when visiting the Memorial to ensure the best quality visit to all:
– Do not bring voluminous bags or objects with you into the Memorial. If you must bring a large bag, backpack, umbrella or other objects that may compromise the safety and/or comfort of visitors, the security personnel will ask you to deposit them in the checkroom (the checkroom is free of charge and unguarded);
– No smoking or vaping is allowed in the Memorial;
– Do not leave litter in the Memorial (paper, bottles, cans, other types of wastes). Appropriate waste disposal receptacles are provided;
– No animals allowed except for seeing-eye dogs and service dogs for the disabled;
– No eating or drinking is allowed in the Memorial;
– No videos, flash photography, tripod photography, or selfie-stick photography is allowed in the Memorial. You may take photos of your visit in a discreet and non-obtrusive way, respecting the dignity of the Memorial and of other visitors;
– Special authorization is required for professional photography, cinematography, or television broadcasts;
– Make sure that your telephone and other electronic devices are set to silent mode;
– Follow the route through the Memorial indicated by the guide to ensure your safety and to get the most out of your visit.
Thank you for your support and collaboration.
Fondazione Memoriale della Shoah di Milano ONLUS